Social Impact

How does your bike purchase impact the world in BEEZ’ing the change?

With every BEEZ Bike purchase YOU are directly supporting the education of hundreds of children and building of Native Bee Homes.

How does your bike purchase impact the world in BEEZ’ing the change?

With every BEEZ Bike purchase YOU are directly supporting the education of hundreds of children and building of Native Bee Homes.

Support Creating Bee Homes

For every BEEZ bike sold THREE children will be provided with a variety of educational materials by Planet Bee Foundation 501(c)3 non-profit as well as materials for students to engineer their own native bee home (for group projects) to conduct research on. Yes, your BEEZ bike will support creating hundreds of Bee Homes for millions of these crucial pollinators!

Deeper Learning

In addition to the support your BEEZ purchase is providing, classroom teachers will be granted the Native Bee Citizen Science virtual STEM lessons taught by Planet Bee educators. Planet Bee’s Native Bee Citizen Science Program promotes lifelong learning while empowering students to take action on critical issues facing our pollinators. This program is aligned with NGSS as a project-based lesson and provides a launch pad to deeper learning.

Helping the Bee Scientist Community

BEEZ and Planet Bee Foundation help not only student education but also help support providing incredibly valuable data for the scientific community, farmers, schools and many others. This research really helps the Bee Scientist Community all around the Globe!

About BEEZ Bikes supporting the Planet Bee Native Bee Citizen Science Project 

This project is led by program director and entomologist, Dr. Jason Graham. He is also the founder of this citizen science project, which he started at the University of Florida during his doctorate. For the last 13 years he has worked in the scientific community to conduct research on native bees.  

Pollinate food crops

Through this hands-on STEM and conservation project, students learn how to become citizen scientists while solving real-world problems. Students engineer their own native bee homes and place them on the school grounds to conduct research and provide habitat for local native bees. Their data is added to the iNaturalist and Planet Bee database and is available as an open source for the scientific community, schools, farmers, and others to access to help promote innovations in agriculture and ensure food security by identifying local native bees to pollinate food crops.  

Citizen Science Program

Do you have a class or school that may benefit from the Native Bee Citizen Science Program? Do you have a child that would love to participate in the program with their class? Reach out to us and we will work on connecting them to being the next lucky students granted the Planet Bee Native Bee Citizen Science Project!

Planet Bee Foundation Mission

Planet Bee Foundation is on a mission to change the world - ‘One Bee and One Mind at a Time!’ 

Planet Bee is dedicated to creating a green-minded generation by teaching about the importance of bees as a pathway to STEM, conservation, and innovations in agriculture, cultivating the green leaders of tomorrow through the power of science and stewardship. They teach in the US and Canada in schools, nonprofits, and corporations both virtually and in person. 

Their programs are provided at NO cost to schools and non-profits in dedication to social justice, preventing any barrier to inclusion.

Planet Bee Foundation Values

Social Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion:   

All individuals deserve to feel empowered to take action for their planet, regardless of race, religion, gender, class, or location. Teaching a variety of educational programs to different populations using virtual and onsite instruction provides equitable access to a broad range of learners.

Planet Bee Foundation Values

Social Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: 

 All individuals deserve to feel empowered to take action for their planet, regardless of race, religion, gender, class, or location. Teaching a variety of educational programs to different populations using virtual and onsite instruction provides equitable access to a broad range of learners.


All individuals deserve a future in which children and adults are exposed to global environmental issues and given the tools to combat them. Stewardship activities promote environmental ethics and unite communities. When individuals perform acts of conservation, they find their place in our interconnected world. 

Sustainable Future

All individuals should be given the knowledge to make choices in their daily life that have positive lasting impacts. Education and meaningful learning experiences open minds, initiate change, and empower all individuals to protect our planet. 

Unique Perspectives & Innovation

All individuals have unique perspectives and solutions to environmental issues crucial for the future of our planet. Innovation and the lifelong pursuit of knowledge are fostered through meaningful learning experiences. Learners develop knowledge and skills through direct scientific research which empowers them to solve challenges facing their community, environment, and society.

Civic Engagement

All individuals should have an opportunity to care for our planet. Contributing locally is a powerful force in community building and connecting citizens to environments close to home. Ecoliteracy empowers stewards for the planet and strengthens neighborhoods while preparing the leaders of tomorrow.  

BEEZ and Planet Bee Foundation 

Together we are uniting in 

BEEZ’ing the Change!